World NGO Day 2022: Know its History...

World NGO Day is being celebrated across the world today, every year this day is celebrated on 27th February. World NGO Day is celebrated in more than 89 countries and six continents, it was first celebrated in the year 2014. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of NGOs and to encourage people working in NGOs.


What is NGO?

NGO means a non-government organization, these organizations are registered with the government, they work in different fields and their job is to help the needy. Some NGOs work for the help of humans, while some work for the betterment of living beings. They do not charge any kind of fee from anyone for help. To help people and living beings, the government provides financial assistance to these NGOs, so that they can do the best work for the betterment of society.

The objective of celebrating "World NGO Day"

The purpose of celebrating 'World NGO Day' is to make people understand the importance of NGOs and encourage those working in NGOs around the world who are working for the benefit of people and living beings. The day also provides an opportunity to honor NGO founders, employees, members, supporters, and volunteers. Along with this, it also inspires other people to join the NGO and help needy people and living beings. 

History of 'World NGO Day'

World NGO Day, february 27, was celebrated by the british humanitarian Marcis Liors Skadmanis. The day was officially recognized on 17 april 2010 by the Baltic sea NGO Forum, of the Council of States of the Baltic Sea. The member states of the Baltic sea NGO Forum were Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, norway and Sweden. This day was celebrated for the first time on 27 february 2014. It was organized in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. It was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The day was recognized in 89 countries and six continents between 2010 and 2018. 

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