The producers have clearly taken the fundamental storylines from the original episodes and Indianized them, making the proceedings straightforward and easy to follow. From the first frame, director Rajesh Mapuskaar and his team plunge deep into the storey. After 6 months on the benches, DCP Rudraveer Singh (Ajay Devgn) gets reinstated in service. His suspension has been lifted for the time being. Rudraa, as he is known in most parts of the show, is a member of the Special Crimes Unit, which is led by Deepali Handaa (Ashwini Kalsekar). Rudraa, as he is known in most parts of the show, is one of the most skilled hands in the department.
Even though each episode has its own tale centred on an exceptionally brilliant and psychologically charged crook, it also gradually reveals layers of Rudraa's life, which is a significant aspect of the current season's overarching storey. Each of the first three episodes braids in a comment stream from Rudraa's inner circle - his deeply disturbed marriage with Shaaila (Eshaa Deol Takhtani), his equations with his seniors, juniors, and peers, his passion for the job that comes at the cost of personal tragedies, and the methodologies he uses to probe deeper into the minds of smart and violent individuals, often trying to put oneself in hazard - without deviating from on-going inquests.