After two years, now Regular international Flights will start from this date. Two years ago, the Center had banned international flights amid rising cases of Covid-19.

Another piece of positive news has come in the form of a decrease in Kovid-19 instances. Those who have been waiting for foreign flights to resume can now mark february 27th on their calendars. From march 27, the indian government has planned to resume international flights to and from India.

This information has been made public by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. According to prior estimates, international flights could commence as early as march 15. The date has been changed to march 27.

Along with this, it has also been said that it will also be necessary to strictly follow the guidelines of the Ministry of health for international operations, international travel. 

This information has been made public by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. According to prior estimates, international flights could commence as early as march 15. 

Explain that due to Corona, about two years ago, the Center had banned scheduled international flights. Now the Ministry of Civil Aviation has informed that flights are being restored again.

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