The Adam Project is a time travel comedy film released in 2022 starring Ryan Reynnolds, Maark Ruffalo, Jenniffer Gaarner, Zoe Saldaana, catherine Keeneer, and Walker Scoobell in his cinematic debut. Shaun Levvy directed the film, which follows Adaam Reed, a 12-year-old child who lives with his mother in 2022. However, in the year 2050, a pilot called Adam Reed discovers a wormhole in space and is sent to the year 2022, where he meets his teenage self. Consequently, they journey back in time to 2018, where they meet their dad, who died in a car crash a year earlier, and stop Catherinne Keener's portrayal.

Would they be able to stop their father from dying? . Is Adam going to be reunited with his wife Laura? (Saldana). Overall, I liked this movie. aThe fact that Jennifer Gaarner and Maark Ruffalo were reunited after 18 years in 13 Going On 30 hooked me to this film. In addition, I enjoy Ryaan Reynolds in practically every film he appears in because he is such a lovable character. Sure, he portrays the same snarky deadpan man over and over again (as practically every performer does), but as I already stated, he is an excellent actor.

My only criticism was that several sections of it were illogical, particularly the conclusion. I was also upset that Jennifer and Maark didn't get more screen time. However, the true explanation for their lack of screen time is that Mark's character is dead for the duration of the movie and we don't see him until the second act. Speaking of the filmmaker, I kept wondering whether this was done by Steven Speilberg because there are so many connections to his works in here, from ET to other flicks. If you enjoy Steven Speilberg's work, you will enjoy this flick.

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