RRR has dominated the telugu states' box office for the past three weeks. varun Tej's ghani was released in theatres last week and was a flop. Now, two major players are preparing for a showdown. Thalapathy Vijay's Beast and Yaash's kgf chapter 2 are the two films. The former will be launched on april 13, while the latter will be published on april 14. Both of these films are being released in telugu dubbed versions in telugu states.

Vijay's films have been doing well in telugu for the past several years. As a result, there is a lot of excitement surrounding Beast. Furthermore, dil raju has acquired the telugu rights to this film and is distributing it throughout Hyderabad. There are no other biggies coming in the coming days as well and the team is planning to release the movie bigger and better.

On the other hand, kgf 2 is generating a lot of buzz thanks to the remarkable success of its forerunner, kgf Chapter 1. It will undoubtedly have a huge opening weekend at the box office. As a result, these dubbed films will be causing a flurry of excitement at telugu cinemas this week.

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