ranbir kapoor, who just married National sweetheart rashmika Mandannaa, has arrived in Manaali to begin filming for their forthcoming crime movie Animal, helmed by sandeep Reddy Vangaa. The two have been posing with their admirers in photos that have been circulating on social networking sites. Now we hear that, like arjun reddy, rashmika has some intimate bedroom scenes and she has even gone topless.

Hundreds of Weapons and ammunition can be seen on the shooting location of Animal in a new BTS video that has leaked on the internet. ranbir kapoor is known for being a sweet romantic hero, but based on this video, Vanga appears to have planned something extremely cruel that will drive the masses insane. ranbir kapoor in a monster-like form, ala rocky Bhai from the kgf series, would be amazing to witness.

Ranbir Kapoor in a monster-like form, ala rocky Bhai from the kgf series, would be amazing to witness. After the record-breaking translation of arjun reddy, Kabir Singh, this would be sandeep Vanga's second hindi project. Bhushaan Kumaar, Muraad Khetani's Cine1 Studios, and Pranaay reddy Vanga's Bhadrakaali Pictures are producing the film, which also stars anil kapoor and bobby Deol. 'Animal' will be released on the Fourth of July weekend next year.

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