Ms. Marvel is a superhero book centred on Kamala Khan, a devotee of the Avengers who possesses her own set of talents. In this show, Iman Vellani, a Canadian-born young actress, plays the lead role. Fawad Khan, a Pakistani actor, also plays a key role in this Marvel Cinematic Universe phase four film (MCU). The last series which was aired was moon Knight and it got a thumping response on the OTT platform.
Shibani Dhandekar, Farhan Akhtar's wife, posted on Social media, "THIS!!! I'm very excited for this one!! The Marvel Universe has its first mainstream prominent indian actor! "I am quite proud of you." "Grateful that the universe offers these opportunities to grow, learn, and in this case have a tonne of fun while doing it," Farhan added. From june 8, Ms. Marvel will be available on Disney+.