Due to the increase in the amount of sun, which has been decreasing for the last few days, public transportation in the integrated Vellore district has been curtailed. Summer has the greatest influence in tamil Nadu's Vellore district. Due to torrential rains late last year, most of the water bodies in Vellore district were flooded. In Balar, there was also floods. As a result, the amount of sunshine in february this year was lower. On march 1, the sun began to shine at 95.9 degrees in the Vellore district. Before the Agninatchathiram, Summer reached up to 106 degrees.

Due to the increase in the amount of sun, which has been decreasing for the last few days, public transportation in the integrated Vellore district has been curtailed. Summer has the greatest influence in tamil Nadu's Vellore district. Due to torrential rains late last year, most of the water bodies in Vellore district were flooded. In Balar, there was also floods. As a result, the amount of sunshine in february this year was lower. On march 1, the sun began to shine at 95.9 degrees in the Vellore district. Before the Agni star, Veil reached up to 106 degrees.

The sun has been shining in the Vellore metropolitan region since yesterday morning in this circumstances. For a few more days, the weather in Vellore district is likely to be over 100 degrees. Roadside sales of body-warming foods such as watermelon, cucumber, sugar cane juice, fruit juice, watercress, and cardamom puree are growing as the summer warms up again. Because of the increased impact of the light during the summer, diseases are more prone to spread. As a result, doctors advise that no one should leave the house unnecessarily.

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