Following the release of Pushpa: The Rise, starring Allu Arjun, rashmika Mandanna's fame skyrocketed. In Sukumar's film, the actress played the part of Srivalli. But did you know that Rashmika's work in pushpa helped her get a part in sandeep Reddy Vanga and Ranbir Kapoor's film Animal? rashmika is thrilled with the kinds of movies she is committing to.

This year, rashmika mandanna will make her bollywood debut. The june 10 release of the Sidharth Malhotra-starrer Mission majnu has been postponed for an undisclosed reason. Animal is one of the promising hindi movies the dear comrade actress has in the works. Rashmika's performance in pushpa is now known to have contributed to her obtaining a part in sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal movie.

Rashmika stated the following in regards to the same: "The producers of Animal contacted me for the movie after they saw my performance in Pushpa. I accepted the role without hesitation since I was sure that the public would love seeing a different side of me. The last time we saw rashmika mandanna was in the telugu movie Aadavallu Meeku Johaarlu. Mission majnu, her movie, is now in the editing process.

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