Finally available is the much anticipated mass action drama starring vijay deverakonda and puri Jagannadh. puri Jagannadh's follow-up project is Liger, while vijay deverakonda had a delayed release in the interim. Therefore, it is not surprising that the movie has received a lot of attention. It has only become bigger thanks to the funding, an action-packed kickboxing backdrop, and a pan-Indian goal. Because of the excitement and buzz surrounding the project, vijay deverakonda is considering opportunities near tier 1 stars. In other words, if the actor had a success, his gross will be comparable to theirs. Following Liger's victory, he will begin the ascent to tier 1 star status.

Both VD and ramya krishnan are from karimnagar and movie starts off good with an Introduction fight at a Market in Mumbai. ramya krishnan joins her son in MMA training classes after that fight and then comes ananya Panday. Her intro song is too ordinary. The love track between them is too poor. A stammering Liger's first half is held together by Vijay Deverakonda. He is the foundation. The remaining material is conventional and predictable puri jagannadh fare with a weak plot. The movie needs a strong second half to really take off. Sadly though, the second half just got worse.

Liger steps into the ring, claims the first national title, and departs for Los Angeles. Overusing stammering while speaking dialogues quickly slows your speech. Due to vijay deverakonda going overboard, it has lost some of its original freshness. Another episode that will try your patience is the Lady Fighters one in Las Vegas. mike tyson is a total waste, and we are perplexed as to how he was selected for such a pointless position. Coka Song Picturing is magnificent. A good one to round off the film's ludicrous premise. Liger gives ordinaryness a pass in the first half with a manageable, decent performance. However, with a bumbling pre-climax and climax, the second half drastically turns to the negative. Unluckily, puri blew a huge opportunity with Liger.

The plot of "Liger" is badly done and predictable. The hard work was done by Vijay Deverakonda, who also has a strong presence on screen. director puri has not produced any interesting scenes.

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