The renowned director Venkat Prabhu's upcoming film, tentatively named NC22, would feature naga chaitanya as the lead. Leading lady is Krithi Shetty. The film's great cast was revealed today by the creators, who just just began the filming. In this film, which also stars Sharat Kumar and the sultry Priyamani, aravind Swami, who didn't sign on for another project after Dhruva, is cast in the pivotal role of the primary antagonist.
This ambitious initiative is being presented by Pavan Kumar and is being funded by srinivasaa chitturi under the auspices of srinivasaa silver Screen. The film's melodies are being written by yuvan shankar raja and Ilaiyaraaja. For NC22, Abburi ravi wrote the dialogue. naga chaitanya makes his tamil cinema debut in this multilingual production.
The most recent information is that the National Award-winning actress priyamani has been cast in a key part in the movie. Through their social media accounts, the creators have made an official announcement. The bilingual film, which is billed as a commercial entertainer, will star a number of renowned actors. music will be written by yuvan shankar raja and Ilaiyaraaja for this film, which is being made under the Sriniivasaa silver screen banner.
This ambitious initiative is being presented by Pavan Kumar and is being funded by srinivasaa chitturi under the auspices of srinivasaa silver Screen. The film's melodies are being written by yuvan shankar raja and Ilaiyaraaja. For NC22, Abburi ravi wrote the dialogue. naga chaitanya makes his tamil cinema debut in this multilingual production.
The most recent information is that the National Award-winning actress priyamani has been cast in a key part in the movie. Through their social media accounts, the creators have made an official announcement. The bilingual film, which is billed as a commercial entertainer, will star a number of renowned actors. music will be written by yuvan shankar raja and Ilaiyaraaja for this film, which is being made under the Sriniivasaa silver screen banner.