prabhas has joined the cast of an untitled Maruthi film for a test shoot. prabhas, who had been taking a break, started working again. Krishnam Raju, a father figure to him, died. prabhas has returned to work in order to move on from this loss.

The real filming for the project will start in November. It has been reported that prabhas has assigned dates for Maruthis' movie every month and that it will be finished in 5 to 6 months with respectable post-production. The movie is advertised as a horror-comedy. malavika Mohanan, best known for her role in the film Master, has joined the cast to play Prabhas's female protagonist.

The makers intend to release this movie after Salaar, according to reports. If everything goes according to plan, the Prabhas-Maruthi picture would also have a multilingual release. Given Prabhas' market, the producers are thinking about dubbing and releasing the movie in other languages. people media Factory, who had success with karthikeya 2, intends to produce this movie on a large scale and give it a wide release. prabhas will be filming Nag Ashwin's Project K concurrently with deepika padukone and amitabh Bachchan. He still needs to finish the Salaar filming, directed by prashant Neel.

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