The Sankranthi box office has just become more intriguing with Veera simha Reddy's confirmed outing. The battle for theatres, though, appears to be unavoidable. Although Sankranthi is a great time of year for several releases and can easily handle more than two films, However, there is something that critics of movies are thinking back on in 2019 and they are wondering if dil raju would adhere to his reasoning.

Four films were released during Sankranthi in 2019: ntr Kathanayakudu, Vinaya Vidheya Rama, and dil Raju's F2. Rajinikanth petta entered the competition as it became difficult to switch theatres between all three films. When dil raju came under fire for not allowing petta play in as many cinemas as was anticipated, dil raju responded that the movie had been announced after the Sankranthi release date. He also emphasised that telugu films can undoubtedly take precedence over tamil cinema.

In the present, this Sankranthi will feature dil Raju's varasudu, Adipurush, Veera simha Reddy, and Waltair Veerayya (Varisu in Tamil). Despite being billed as bilingual, varasudu is largely a tamil film. varasudu continued to shoot despite a recent shooting ban since dil raju himself had referred to it as a tamil film. There will inevitably be movies playing at the same time during Sankranthi. The willingness of dil raju to stick to his 'Petta' rationale for 'Varisu' by giving the three big movies additional venues is being questioned by many.

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