In May 2020, Rana made his relationship status with businesswoman Miheeka Bajaj of mumbai official. In Hyderabad's ramanaidu Studios, the couple wed in august of the same year. And if the news is to be believed, the cute couple is currently expecting their first child. Rana and Miheeka are reportedly expecting a child soon, according to numerous reports. The pair is rumoured to reveal the news very soon.
When Rana recently erased all of his instagram and other social media postings while claiming to be taking a break from social media, there were whispers regarding their impending marriage. However, Miheeka recently clarified rumours in an instagram post about Karwa Chauth, writing, "2 souls, 2 individuals, 2 hands, 1 pledge." a lifetime spent together. Today and every day, let's celebrate love. You complete me.
"I know Miheeka for a very long time because my sister and she went to school together," Rana said in a talk show interview about how he first met Miheeka. So, I've known her for pretty much my entire life, and not many individuals relocate from hyderabad to Bombay. So, during the lockdown, we started talking, and I said, "Okay, this is right; that's it." So when nice things happen, I don't think too much about them and just go on. Everyone has a schedule; don't worry. That's okay. Rana was last spotted at work this year in bheemla nayak and Virata Parvam.
When Rana recently erased all of his instagram and other social media postings while claiming to be taking a break from social media, there were whispers regarding their impending marriage. However, Miheeka recently clarified rumours in an instagram post about Karwa Chauth, writing, "2 souls, 2 individuals, 2 hands, 1 pledge." a lifetime spent together. Today and every day, let's celebrate love. You complete me.
"I know Miheeka for a very long time because my sister and she went to school together," Rana said in a talk show interview about how he first met Miheeka. So, I've known her for pretty much my entire life, and not many individuals relocate from hyderabad to Bombay. So, during the lockdown, we started talking, and I said, "Okay, this is right; that's it." So when nice things happen, I don't think too much about them and just go on. Everyone has a schedule; don't worry. That's okay. Rana was last spotted at work this year in bheemla nayak and Virata Parvam.