After a mysterious death of a young man from kerala named Sharon raj last month, greeshma and her family are now being detained by the police as the main suspects in the Parassala resident's murder. Prior to Raj's passing on october 25, there was supposedly a relationship between Sharon raj and Greeshma. After several days of intense drama and conspiracies, the kerala police claimed to have discovered the murderous scheme, revealing Greeshma's part.

Greeshma, according to the authorities, poisoned Sharon's drink, which finally resulted in his demise. Following its discovery in the post-mortem, a vial of the pesticide used to poison the Parassala youth was found in the woman's home. Greeshma's admission that she poisoned Sharon Raj, a 23-year-old man from Parassala, led to the discovery of other twists and turns in the case, as well as the involvement of her parents and other relatives.

Greeshma was in a relationship with Sharon, according to the police statement, but had recently become engaged to an indian army officer. She then made the conscious decision to poison the Keralan youth's drink on october 14 in an effort to end their connection. greeshma claimed in her statement that she chose to put pesticides in his drinks because she wanted to "do away" with Sharon following their engagement. She stated that she was worried that Sharon raj would send her fiancé private pictures of her that he had on his phone but wouldn't remove.

The authorities claimed that greeshma also feigned to be devastated after Raj's death for a number of days. They asserted that the woman "created a drama" in order to escape getting implicated in the murder investigation. greeshma consumed a disinfectant in an attempt to kill herself after Sharon passed away, but authorities believe she did so just to avoid questioning. An alleged wedding video that has surfaced adds even another element to the murder investigation. A "wedding video" with greeshma and Sharon was discovered by the authorities when her marriage to the army man was fixed in February.

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