Price of Aavin orange milk packet has increased to Rs.60..!?

Aavin management has increased the retail price of Aavin orange milk packets by Rs.12 per liter. This price hike is effective from tomorrow. The management of Aavin has increased the retail price of Aavin orange milk packets by Rs.12 per liter. The price hike will be effective from tomorrow. In this regard, in a press release issued by the tamil Nadu Milk Producers' Cooperative website: Following the press release dated 03.11.2022 regarding the increase in the purchase price of cow's milk, the purchase price of cow milk will be increased from Rs. 32 to Rs. 35 per liter and from Rs. 41 to Rs. 44 per liter of buffalo milk from 05.11.2022.
There is a need to increase the selling price to cover the additional cost due to this price increase. However, in terms of the selling price, the price of Toned Milk (blue color) and Standardized Milk (green color) will continue unchanged in the interests of consumers. The existing skimmed milk will be renewed at Rs 46 per liter without any price change for monthly cardholders. The price of skimmed milk sold at retail price is revised to Rs 60 per liter with effect from 05:11.2022.This price change has necessitated implementation in order to partially offset the additional cost incurred by the producers in providing a higher purchase price. Even after this price change, Aavin's full-fat milk (carton) as compared to the price of private milk is Rs. 24 less, the bulk milk sold at the retail price compared to the price of private milk at Rs. 10 less. Considering that this price change has been made in the interests of the manufacturers, consumers, retailers, and wholesalers are requested to cooperate with the company as always.

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