The hottest buzz in kollywood circles is the wedding of trisha Krishnan. The actress recently went abroad for a tour and she never shared any photos with her friends and which sparked controversy. Most of them predicted she was with her boyfriend and she kept a low profile by not adding too many photos from the vacation.

Indian actress and model trisha krishnan recently appeared in the film ponniyin selvan 1. The actress is adored by her admirers and has a considerable following in South India. trisha krishnan is currently travelling to london with her closest pals and appears to be having a great time. The actress posted a few pictures of herself with her friends Nina Chauhan, Megha Khemka, Pavitra Krishnaswamy, and Laxmi Krishnaswamy on Instagram.

Trisha Krishnan wrote that they are her "Favorite Londoners" while sharing the lovely images with the attractive girls. In another tale, the female friends were seen enjoying beach feelings while dressed in beachy attire. Speaking of trisha Krishnan's international holiday, where she hurt herself, there is also a UK release date for the malayalam movie Ram, in which she co-stars with Mohanlal.

Trisha Krishnan visited other european nations after finishing her programme, including Paris, where she uploaded a sweet photo in front of the iconic Eiffel Tower. The Road, a movie that focuses on women, is one of Trisha's future projects, and she will reportedly reunite with ajith kumar in the actor's upcoming film AK 62, which is being produced by lyca productions and directed by Vignesh Shivan.

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