Following an ankle ligament injury, bollywood actor pooja hegde uploaded a few videos of her recovery process on Thursday. pooja posted a video to instagram with the caption, "Two weeks ago, I learned how to walk for the second time in my life. It's funny how you can do something for your entire life and then suddenly forget how to do it! #FirstSteps." With the aid of a walker and her nurse, pooja could be seen in the video taking a few tentative steps.

She was seen attempting to get out of bed with the assistance of her nurse in another video. She added the caption, "Go down. Get back up and keep moving toward standing up." Now, she has replicated a Disney Character from Toy Story movie. pooja informed her admirers of her ankle injury and subsequent ligament tear in october by posting a photo and a video on her social media account. Despite the injury, she kept working because one of the posts showed her getting ready.

On the professional front, pooja will star alongside salman khan in the upcoming family comedy "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan." The Farhad Samji-directed movie is scheduled to open in theatres on Eid 2023. The movie also features Jagapathi Babu, Raghav Juyal, Shehnaaz Gill, and Palak Tiwari in addition to salman, Venkatesh, and Pooja.

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