Everyone knows that the life of a monk is very different from ours. Monks who are devoted to the welfare of the world spend their time in divine worship. One travels on the path of devotion without expecting any benefits. It is not possible for everyone to follow their way of life. In our country, monks are mostly seen in Kashi, Himalayas. Except for the monks who worship Shiva, all others follow the same method of asceticism.
The food habits of Buddhist monks and Jains are similar. Alcohol and meat are completely avoided. They spend time eating only fruits and vegetables. Buddhist monks in particular follow strict rules. But the monks of a Buddhist temple in thailand are surprised by the fact that they are addicted to drugs. The incident that came to light in thailand two days ago has become an international topic of discussion. Everyone is interested to know the real thing. Going into full details..
There is a Buddhist temple in Phetchabun state of thailand called Bang sam Phan district. Four Buddhist monks, including an abbot, perform regular pujas. But the latest drug test revealed that all of them are addicted to drugs. Four monks including the abbot of the Buddhist temple have tested positive for drugs. The local officials said that they are being taken to the hospital and are being counseled to get rid of drugs. As a result, no worship is being done in that temple at present.