Fans of megastar salman khan have been anticipating his highly anticipated multi-starrer flick Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki jaan with great fervour. pooja hegde plays an actress in the film, which also serves as Shehnaaz Gill's feature film debut. The movie has already begun filming, but in the thick of all, a rumour has gone viral online. pooja Hedge, who is preparing for the release of her new film Cirkus, has found herself at the centre of a juicy rumour involving none other than salman khan, the Bhaijaan of Bollywood.

Salman Khan and pooja hegde are the newest coupling in Hollywood, according to a raucous rumour spread by a self-described film critic by the name of Umair Sandhu on Twitter. On his username, he wrote: "BREAKING NEWS: New Couple in Town!!! megastar #SalmanKhan and pooja hegde fell in love! Her following two films have also been acquired by his production company! These days, they are spending time together. confirmed by close sources to salman Khan.

It's interesting to note that Umer Sandhu is the same person who earlier tweeted about prabhas and Kriti Sanon. Even though many internet users did not believe the rumour at the time the tweet was released on the microblogging platform, they continued to leave amusing remarks.

One of his followers inquired about his source, asking, "Who is that close person who gives you information about Bhai?

A second person said, "From this bizarre thing you publish, you only want to make noise in the name of salman khan, who is always a commodity and a genuine gain for you in order to raise the number of interactions and noise with comments, attract viewers, and increase the number of followers.

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