Dyson launches air-purifying headphones!!!
Air pollution is the biggest problem of today's time. people of Delhi-NCR now have to buy air Purifier for this. people are getting air purifiers installed in their homes, but they are getting only bad air outside. In such a situation, a wonderful headphone has come out which not only gives excellent music quality, but also this headphone will clean the air around. Although its price is very high. This headphone has been brought by a company named Dyson which is known for making premium products. The model name of the headphone is Dyson Zone Headphone.
In fact, Dyson has launched the world's first wearable air purifier fitted with over-ear headphones. The Dyson Zone noise canceling, high fidelity over-ear headphones are a set of headphones that deliver great sound. The special thing is that this headphone also produces pure air in the nose and mouth because its design is special. It also comes with a mask-like bridge which makes for an interesting wearable device.
Dyson Zone Headphone comes with ANC
The headphone comes with Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) that delivers rich and immersive audio. Regarding its headphones, Dyson says that these headphones provide audio battery life of up to 50 hours, but if you also use an air purifier, then this time is reduced to about four hours, but you will get the same music.