With Hanu-Man, the gifted team of Prasanth varma and teja Sajja astounded the entire nation. The teaser, which was released last month, stunned the entire nation and has already received more than 60 Million views. Prasanth varma is working tirelessly to make the movie an epic. He created an underwater scene that has previously appeared in a rajamouli movie. Similar scenes were also filmed by shankar for ram Charan's movie.
For RRR, the same team was employed. In Mumbai, the sequence was scrapped. He has to remain underwater without breathing, making it a very dangerous sequence, yet teja managed it. For this scene, the actor had specific training in hyderabad for fifteen days. We are informed that Prasanth varma had a great conception for the sequence and that it produced excellent results. The arrival of Hanu-Man next year is eagerly anticipated throughout the nation.
Varalakshmi Sarath Kumar, Vinay Rai, raj Deepak Shetty, and vennela kishore play supporting parts alongside Amrita, the movie's female heroine. The movie is made by K Niranjan reddy through his production company, PrimeShow Entertainment, and is intended to be the first instalment of a planned superhero world. Shivendra is the director of photography, and GowraHari, Anudeep Dev, and krishna Saurabh contributed to the soundtrack for the movie. There is no release date yet for the movie.
For RRR, the same team was employed. In Mumbai, the sequence was scrapped. He has to remain underwater without breathing, making it a very dangerous sequence, yet teja managed it. For this scene, the actor had specific training in hyderabad for fifteen days. We are informed that Prasanth varma had a great conception for the sequence and that it produced excellent results. The arrival of Hanu-Man next year is eagerly anticipated throughout the nation.
Varalakshmi Sarath Kumar, Vinay Rai, raj Deepak Shetty, and vennela kishore play supporting parts alongside Amrita, the movie's female heroine. The movie is made by K Niranjan reddy through his production company, PrimeShow Entertainment, and is intended to be the first instalment of a planned superhero world. Shivendra is the director of photography, and GowraHari, Anudeep Dev, and krishna Saurabh contributed to the soundtrack for the movie. There is no release date yet for the movie.