A release date is announced for the upcoming movie Michael, starring Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Sundeep Kishan, and Vijay Sethupathi. The movie is scheduled to premiere on february 3. Ranjit Jeykodi, who directed Michael, created an action-packed movie. The poster and trailer for this movie have raised the bar for the telugu audience. With the help of its posters, teaser, and opening song, "Neevuntey Chaalu," it has successfully attracted interest from the public.

Sundeep Kishan published the movie's poster on social media and shared the date of its formal release. "Meet the Man Who Loved The Hardest... (Black heart Emoji) #Michael Only in Theatres On Feb 3rd 2023," he captioned the post, naming other major participants in the filmmaking. On the movie's poster, each of the main actors sports an unpolished appearance. sundeep kishan looks to have facial wounds, and vijay sethupathi is spotted smoking.

In the meantime, sundeep kishan will be featured in Dhanush's forthcoming movie Captain Miller with priyanka Arul Mohan. The project will also have some dark comedy and be set against a 1930s–1940s backdrop. priyanka Arul Mohan is also touted to be a part of SSMB28 as sree Leela is no longer an active participant in the movie.

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