Do not use 2 cough medicines from indian company..!? WHO warning!

The World health Organization has warned against the use of Ambronol and DOK-1 max cough medicines of India-based Marian Biotech. The products of this pharmaceutical company do not comply with quality control regulations. Just in case, such a warning has been issued. There is also a fear that this may have an impact on the indian medical sector.
A study conducted by the Ministry of health of uzbekistan confirmed the presence of unacceptable levels of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol in these two drugs, Hu said. This cough medicine is also used in other countries. Meanwhile, in a study published in an uzbekistan laboratory, it has been asked not to use these two drugs. Last December, the government of uzbekistan strongly accused 19 children from their country had tragically died after taking this cough medicine. The deceased children took 5 ml of this medicine daily for 2-7 days. They are also said to be given 3 - 4 times daily.These medicines were given by parents on the prescription of local pharmacists. It has also been reported that all the medicines have been recalled after the deaths of the children. In this situation, the World health Organization has issued a warning not to use Ambronol and DOK-1 max cough medicine. Earlier, 6 children died after drinking cough medicine in the African country of Gambia last October. At that time, the World health Organization had warned about this. Maiden Pharma is also said to be responsible for this tragic incident.It is feared that this may affect India, which is the largest exporter of pharmaceuticals internationally. Cough medicine is usually a must-have. Children especially need it when they are suffering from a cough. Because of that, it should not be bought in pharmacies without directly asking the doctor. Do not buy any medicine without a prescription. This can lead to great danger. Doctors usually prescribe proper medicine only after examining the condition. This applies to all medicines, not just cough medicine. So, if there is any problem, it is better to consult a doctor instead of going to the medical center and buying medicines.

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