Despite receiving mixed reviews, the sankranthi movies Waltair Veerayya, starring megastar chiranjeevi, and Veera simha Reddy, starring Nandamuri balakrishna, are doing well. On social media, fans are arguing about whether chiranjeevi or balakrishna won the Sankranthi box office competition. However, there's also a humorous rumor floating around that shruti haasan was actually the true Sankranthi winner.

In both movies, shruti haasan had essentially little role to play. She had flowerpot parts in Veera simha Reddy and Waltair Veerayya, as we highlighted in our assessments. She essentially did nothing other than shake it in the apparently romantic songs with the elder heroes and in one action sequence in Waltair Veerayya. She received her full compensation for both projects despite playing such unimportant roles and putting out so little work. shruti haasan is unquestionably the true Sankranthi laureate of the year in this regard.

Shruti Haasan made a strong return to telugu cinema and now she's again flooded with offers and with Salaar already in pipeline she is expected to sign a few more tamil movies as well. There is a current rumor that shruti haasan might be pairing with karthi for a new project and the announcement is expected in a couple of weeks.

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