Young director dies of jaundice before the release of his first film...

Joseph manu James, who was a young director in the malayalam film industry, died due to jaundice. Joseph manu James was a child star in the malayalam movie I Am Curious in 2004. With the dream of becoming a director, Joseph manu James has worked as an assistant director in malayalam, Kannada, and hindi films. He also has experience working as an assistant director with various leading directors. Joseph manu James' directorial dream came true recently. He has just finished directing a malayalam movie called Nancy Rani. The movie stars Aju Varghese, Ahana Krishna, Leena, Sunny Wayne, and Lal. The shooting of the film is over and it is getting ready for release. The final work of the film has been going on briskly for the past few days.Meanwhile, director Joseph manu James has been suffering from jaundice for the past few days. Subsequently, Joseph manu James was admitted to a private hospital in Aluva, Kerala, and was undergoing treatment there. In this case, he died without treatment. He was 31. The death of director Joseph manu James at a young age has left the malayalam film industry in deep mourning. His friends and relatives from the film industry attended and paid their last respects. Joseph manu James's dream of becoming a director in cinema has come true, but the film's release is just a few weeks away.

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