According to rumours, chandra babu Naidu and daggubati venkateswara rao, who wed NTR's daughters Bhuvaneswari and purandeswari, respectively, had fallen out as a result of the Sr. ntr episode. There have been rumours that purandeswari and Bhuvaneshwari, the spouses of CBN and Venkateswara Rao, are also at odds because of their alleged rivalry. But, there have been enough indications recently that chandrababu naidu and daggubati venkateswara rao are gradually rekindling their relationship.

A new photo of the Nandamuri women is currently trending on social media in this context. Bhuvaneswari and purandeswari, two Nandamuri women, are shown in this photo with their older sister. The sisters can be seen grinning widely in this photo, which was taken during a recent family gathering. They appear to have never been apart. Fans of the Nandamuri family are ecstatic about this image because it shows the family's core female members reunited. This might also be a very significant indication of Chandrababu and Venkateswara Rao reconciling.

The tollywood actress lakshmi Manchu collaborated with her longtime friend samantha Prabhu on the high-octane song "Telusa Telusa" from her upcoming movie "Agninakshatram" on international Women's Day. lakshmi and her daughter Nirvana appear in the song about women's emancipation. The phrase "Telusa Telusa" will appear after the movie's rolling credits.

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