Bejawada The narrative for "Das Ka Dhamki" was written by prasanna Kumar, who also penned the recent hit film "Dhamaka." Although the words "Dhamki" and "Dhamaka" seem similar, the movie's premise initially seems to be very similar. To set the movie apart from "Dhamaka," the storyline appears to have been altered and numerous turns and twists inserted. The second half of the movie, which is full of twists and surprises, unfortunately feels forced and does not flow naturally.

The first part of the movie is dominated by comedy and romance, which Vishwak Sen prefers. Beginning the film as a waiter at a five-star hotel, Vishwak Sen engages in a lighthearted affair with nivetha Pethuraj, who believes him to be wealthy. They have a strong connection together, and despite the film's obvious premise, the first half of the movie works well due of the humour and their heated chemistry. But things get clumsy in the second half for both the leads.

The crowd becomes interested when the first major twist appears at the intermission bang. The script was written by Vishwak Sen, who also directed the movie and played two roles. However, as was already said, too many twists were made to distinguish the movie from "Dhamaka," which annoyed rather than surprised the audience. Additionally, the plot simply fizzles out, and the twists are just as absurd as those in "Khiladi" by ravi Teja. Vishwak Sen and Rohini's emotional scene together is horrible.


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