Actor sarath babu has taken his last breath a few minutes back in Hyderabad. According to sources, actor Sarath Babu, who has primarily appeared in tamil and telugu films, was hospitalized owing to multi-organ failure and his status is now critical. He was taken to AIG Hospitals in hyderabad on sunday as his health deteriorated.

According to reports, sarath babu visited Bengaluru last week. He was transported to hyderabad as his health worsened, where he was taken to AIG Hospitals. According to reports, sepsis affected 71-year-old Sarath Babu's kidney, lungs, liver, and other organs, causing sepsis. The severe condition known as sepsis occurs when the body reacts incorrectly to an infection. The body's infection-fighting mechanisms activate, impairing the function of the organs. According to sources, sarath babu has been hospitalized and placed on ventilator support.

Sarath Babu has already spent two nights in the hospital. He was admitted to the hospital a few weeks ago in Chennai, where he lives. Satyam Babu Dikshithulu was Sarath Babu's birth name. He made his acting debut in the telugu movie Rama Rajyam in 1973. He made his film debut in tamil four years later, in 1977, with K Balachander's Pattina Pravesam.

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