Hyderabad police detained tollywood actress Dimple Hayathi and a companion on tuesday for allegedly vandalizing a senior police officer's car. On monday night, they reportedly crashed their automobile into Deputy Commissioner of police (Traffic) rahul Hegde's official vehicle. The indian police service (IPS) officer, the actress, and her friend David all share a block in the affluent jubilee hills neighborhood known as Journalists Colony.

Chetan Kumar, the DCP's driver, reported the actress and her companion to the jubilee hills Station for causing damage to the car when it was parked in the designated spot in the cellar. The complainant claimed that the two deliberately harmed the vehicle. police filed a case against Dimple Hayathi and her companion under several sections of the indian Penal Code (IPC) in response to the complaint. Both received a notification under section 41 A of the criminal Procedure Code summoning them to the police station.

According to the DCP, the motorist purposefully dashed their automobile last night when parking it, causing damage to the vehicle. This is evident in the CCTV footage. The law and order police are looking into a complaint the motorist has made, he added. The IPS officer said that they had earlier parked their car incorrectly, obstructed the path for his car, and engaged in conflict with neighbors, staff members, and watchmen.

But he said that he had nothing against them personally. "Neither they nor I am aware of who the other is. I'm new here," he declared, adding that he had previously personally asked them to assist by clearing the path. He disputed that the traffic tickets that were issued against the actress' car were connected to this problem. The challans were issued due to reckless driving and an incorrect license plate. According to the DCP, traffic police continue to issue challans for breaking traffic laws, and this wasn't done only in her case.

Dimple Hayathi made her acting debut in the 2019 film "Gulf," and she has since appeared in "Khiladi" and "Ramabanam." She has appeared in a few tamil films and contributed to the hindi film "Atrangi Re" in 2021.

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