Unluckily, following Aditya Singh Rajput, the tv business lost another treasure. On May 23, a vehicle accident claimed the life of well-known tv actress vaibhavi Upadhyay. She and her fiancé Jay suresh Gandi were traveling when the event happened in Banjar, Himachal Pradesh. jasmine was a well-known character played by vaibhavi Upadhyay in the television series Sarabhai Vs. Sarabhai. producer of the program JD Majethia revealed that she had passed away.
Early on Tuesday, May 23, vaibhavi Upadhayay died away. She had a 32-year-old age. To transport her mortal remains back to Mumbai, her family is now in Chandigarh. On May 24, at about 11 am, the last rites will be performed here. vaibhavi frequently enjoyed traveling. She was in Himachal with her fiancé when their automobile crashed into a valley, resulting in an accident for both of them. Even though he was hurt, her fiancé Jay was spared. They were delivered right away to a Banjar hospital. The two were exploring Tirthan Valley Road while riding in Jay's Fortuner vehicle. The car lost control at Sidhwa, close to Banjar, and plunged 50 feet into a ravine.

Locals nearby arrived on the scene right once and called the police. vaibhavi had passed away by the time the cops arrived and discovered her in the car. Locals assisted in getting Jay suresh Gandhi out of the vehicle. The pair was visiting Banjar's pilgrimage valley at the time of the mishap, according to DSP Banjar Sher Singh. The results of Vaibhavi's postmortem have been given to the family.

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