This short telugu movie, Pareshan, starring rana daggubati and directed by Rupak Ronaldson, is set in singareni (Telangana). A group of pals named Isaac (Thiruveer), balaji nicknamed RGV, Sathi, and Pasha reside in an unremarkable village that is home to only a coalmine. Drinking, hanging around with tiger Seenu anna, and romancing the local females are the mainstays of their unemployed life.

While currently assisting the church pastor in interpreting his sermons in shaky English, Isaac's father once worked in a coal mine. He continually chastises him for failing his classes and lazing about aimlessly while still trying to get him a job. Everything becomes challenging one day. Isaac ultimately gives Sathi the money his mother had requested him to give his uncle since Sathi urgently needed it for a relative's operation. Isaac develops feelings for Sireesha (Pavani Karanam), while Sathi is occupied chasing after Rajitha (Sai Prasanna). When Sireesha and Isaac have sex, she becomes very distraught and fears that Isaac will leave her, but he makes a commitment to marry her soon.

Then, their lives take a new turn. Sathi gets dumped by rajitha when she develops feelings for another man, and Sireesha thinks Sathi is expecting. As panic creeps in, Isaac determines he would 'take care of it' by taking Sireesha to the hospital. Sathi is seeking retribution in the meanwhile. From whom would Isaac borrow money to support Sireesha? Does Sathi ultimately obtain the retribution he seeks? Does Isaac finally wed Sireesha?

This is the second movie that Rupak Ronaldson has directed, and he sought to compose it as an error comedy. In Pareshan, we learn about the difficulties that many friends face and how they inevitably make matters worse for one another. The second half begins to drag after a buoyant first half. This movie has a lot of funny moments, but it lacks the twists and turns necessary to become a classic because the plot is straightforward and very situational. The movie's characters are relatable, ordinary folks, yet the narrative lacks heart.

As for the performances, it was an ensemble cast, and each performer did a good job in their own parts. They were perfect for the role of the village's youngsters. Telugu-speaking folks may find this amusing because of their distinctive telangana mannerisms and speech pattern. Thiruveer, who gained notoriety owing to Masooda, is the most well-known actor in the cast and carries the movie. Yashwanth Nag, the film's music director, created some music with a strong regional feel.

Pareshan is a respectable attempt by the filmmaker to produce a village-centric comedy that offers views into everyday village life, including Seenu's wedding festivities, church services, and other events. However, one wishes the plot had a little bit more to offer in order to increase its effect.

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