Internet Apocalypse: The Internet will end in two years...!?

The Internet will end in two years! ! By 2025, a solar storm will hit Earth and destroy communication systems. The news is trending all over the world. The day came when the web stopped for a second. Something like this is almost unimaginable without the actual Internet. We have already reached the point where all systems collapse. Assuming that the Internet system ends all over the world, the situation is quite unpredictable. But what if extreme developments lead to such a situation in the future? Recently, there has been a global debate about the fact that the Internet will end in two years, namely 2025.
There will be no internet by 2025... The Washington Post ran an article saying that the internet that connects people will be over in two years. There is a lot of discussion going on on the internet right now. The article concludes that the sun will reach a "solar maximum" by 2025, when solar storms caused by the solar cycle will reach Earth and disrupt communication systems. It is said that the Internet system will collapse because the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital world is not ready for the "solar maximum". It's called the "Internet Apocalypse". Despite much discussion on social media, the US Space Agency has made no such announcement to date. However, it is being discussed on social media. Opinions are divided on the impact of the collapse of the Internet system. The Washington Post said in his article that a rare event never before seen in the connected world will disrupt the internet. Reference was made to the Carrington case of 1859. Because of this, telegraph lines were destroyed at that time. Many operators were electrocuted. And in 1989, a solar storm caused Quebec's power grid to collapse.The term "internet apocalypse" is synonymous with "solar superstorm:
"Plan for an Internet Apocalypse" by university of california Computer Science professor Sangeeta Abdu Jyoti about the Solar Maximum. She explained that we need to see how the infrastructure will respond in the event of a strong solar storm. He said such storms could damage communication cables buried under the sea. Such outages could last for months, he said. If the same thing happened in the US, it would cost us $11 billion a day.

Without the Internet, things are even worse...

It is hard to imagine what would happen if the Internet system went down. This world depends so much. I don't have any rupees at the moment. Additionally, the government insists the tax department should be there as well. Can cards, phones and digital payments work without the internet?The entire information industry relies heavily on his one system, WhatsApp. Will the whole news world come to a standstill? Thinking of each sector in this way means that no sector is immune to any disruption to the grid. In Japan, at present, only agriculture is somewhat less dependent on the power grid. In other words, if there is no network, there is no problem until the meal. This applies even if you have money on hand. But do you still need internet to buy train or bus tickets?

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