Prabhu deva with his baby in Tirupati..!?

A photo taken by choreographer and actor prabhu deva with his wife and daughter during his first visit to tirupati has gone viral online. prabhu deva has a special place in the hearts of his fans with his unique dance and entered the world of tamil cinema as an ordinary dancer, earning rave reviews from fans and dancers as Jackson on the microphone in Kollywood. Besides dancing, he is also a talented actor, director and producer. He planned to divorce his beloved wife Ramaratha and marry Nayantara. After that, he left the film industry in kollywood for a while and went to Bollywood, where Akshay Kumar's film 'Rowdy Rathore' was a big hit. When prabhu deva was living in mumbai for his next film project, mumbai went into lockdown because of Corona. When prabhu deva visited a nearby hospital for sudden back pain, he met physiotherapist Himani Singh, who later fell in love and married in 2020. Their marriage took place in a very simple fashion, but this information only surfaced after a few months.And recently, Himani Singh and prabhu deva gave birth to a beautiful girl. Prabhudeva visited the child for the first time today and received darshan from the Sami in Tirupati. While Prabhudeva was performing darshan in VIP darshan, officials of Tirupathi Devastan were conferring Tirta Prasadham. This time, the couple brought their babay with them, so they left the temple quickly.. 

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