In a freak gym accident, a fitness influencer died...

Justyn Vicky, an Indonesian bodybuilder and fitness celebrity, passed away in a horrific gym accident while doing strength training. On July 15, the 33-year-old bodybuilder shattered his neck while attempting to squat-press 210 kilogrammes of weight at a gym in Bali with just one spotter behind him. A spotter offers assistance when lifting weights. Vicky was working out at the paradise Gym in Sanur, Bali, when it happened. Vicky was seen attempting a squat press while carrying a 210 kg barbell in a video that went viral on social media. He knelt down and appeared unable to stand.
He stumbled back into a sitting position while attempting to support the weight, and the barbell landed on the back of his neck. The fitness influencer "fell forward, cascading the weight bar off his shoulders and snapping his neck and head forward," according to a Bali Discovery report, after failing to complete the exercise.
Vicky collapsed to the ground and the weights dropped on his neck as the people behind him watched helplessly. The bodybuilder died from his injuries after being taken to the hospital in a hurry. Vicky was injured in the collision and sustained "a broken neck and critical compression of vital nerves connecting to his heart and lungs," according to News.