Paramporul movie Review: Crime drama about the idol trade...

In this excellent thriller about idol kidnapping, Amitash and Sarathkumar make a strong impression. Here is our review of the movie Paramporul. In Paramporul, a movie about idol smuggling and the various depths it can reach, debutant director Aravind raj succeeds with a strong thriller.

Aadhi (Amitash Pradhan), a young man who works at an art gallery, is the protagonist of the film Paramporul. It tells the story of how he reconciles with Maithreyan, a corrupt police officer who is constantly looking for money. The first half of the movie spends time getting to know the characters and demonstrating how the idol-stealing business operates before taking us on the journey of the two main characters together. The movie picks up speed after the interval and keeps our attention with occasionally intriguing revelations and turns.

Through his well-executed characterizations, director Aravind raj has successfully brought his substantial amount of research to the big screen. The advantage of Paramporul is that it never rushes and takes its time to explain the points it has prepared. Although Pandikumar's cinematography is functional, better angles and a more artistic approach would have elevated Paramporul's technical performance even further. The film benefits from Yuvan's BGM, and he does a good job with the songs—especially Asaivindri, which has a catchy melody.

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