Who did Vijay refer to..!? father and son story..!?

 Thalapathy Vijay's Leo is a film that has been released and is seeing good collections worldwide. Yesterday, the success of this movie was grandly held in Chennai. Many people who participated in the success ceremony of the movie Leo talked about many things about Thalapathy Vijay's political arrival. Thalapathy Vijay directly said that he is Thalapathy waiting for the orders of the people and making his fans happy. In this environment, many things that Thalapathy Vijay said yesterday are being discussed virally, it can be said that his "father-son story" has also become a topic of conversation. Vijay said that If a little boy wants to be like his father, he will take his shirt and put it on. He will try to wear his watch. Then he will sit on the chair.  But the shirt will not fit him. It will be so loose. The watch will not fit in his hand. Can he sit on that chair? Or not? Is he worthy? Or not? He doesn't know all that. Dreaming of being like father... What's wrong with that? So you can dream. No one can do anything.

In other words, Vijay has solemnly said that whoever wants to, can come to any place, and there is nothing wrong with that. Succession politics is a normal thing in tamil Nadu politics, it is nothing new. So who is this "father-son story" told by Vijay before he entered politics? Who is that son whom he wants to be like his father? The speculationsThalapathy Vijay's Leo is a film that has been released and is seeing good collections worldwide. Yesterday, the success of this movie was grandly held in Chennai. Many people who participated in the success ceremony of the movie Leo talked about many things about Thalapathy Vijay's political arrival. are now going viral on the internet.It is also said that Vijay has more chances to contest the 2026 elections. The Vijay People's Movement has been working with unprecedented speed and the recent function held by Vijay students has created many expectations. But will Vijay compete alone? Or will he compete with the leading parties? All that is light for him.

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