Cancer Awareness Day: Early Detection Best Protection...

India has witnessed a surge in the prevalence of cancer, one of the deadliest diseases worldwide. The World health Organization (WHO) released the international Agency for Research on Cancer's (IARC) World cancer Report, which stated that one in ten indians will get cancer in their lifetime and that one in fifteen will pass away from it. A significant contributing element to the development of cancer is lifestyle. It should come as no surprise that the rates of breast cancer and colon cancer, which are linked to obesity, inactivity, and a sedentary lifestyle, have increased. In India, people commemorate National cancer Awareness Day to raise awareness of the different forms of cancer, the need for early detection, and the critical lifestyle modifications that must be made in order to combat the illness. 

Cancer, according to the World health Organization, is a broad category of illnesses that can originate in any organ or tissue in the body and are caused by abnormal cells that grow out of control or even spread to other parts of the body (metastatic cancer). lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach, and liver cancers are the most frequent cancers in males and are the second biggest cause of death worldwide. Conversely, women are more affected by thyroid, colorectal, lung, breast, and cervical diseases.

When cancer is discovered, more than 50% of cases are already progressed, which can significantly lower survival rates. Early discovery, nevertheless, can aid in a full recovery. Early detection of cancer or precancerous alterations by a variety of screening techniques will provide time for interventions aimed at delaying or preventing the development of cancer.

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