Senior tamil actor Mansoor ali Khan is facing severe criticism for his misogynist comments on South Star heroine Trisha. Mansoor ali Khan said in a recent interview that he was disappointed that he did not get a chance to do rape scenes with trisha in the blockbuster 'Leo'. He complained that he was not given the opportunity to act with Trisha. Thousands of netizens lashed out at the movie star's comments. trisha also took to X media last night to deny Mansoor's lewd comments.
Soon after Trisha's tweet, Leo director lokesh kanagaraj also expressed his anger over Mansoor's comments. "We are disappointed and angry to hear the misogynistic comments made by Mr. Mansoor ali Khan. We all worked in the same team (Leo). women and fellow artist-professionals should be respected in any industry. There should be no discussion of such indecency anywhere. I strongly condemn Mansoor's behaviour," lokesh tweeted.
Initially, a section of the netizens targeted lokesh for taking on a nerdy actor like Mansoor in a high profile project like Leo. But soon after Mansoor's tweet condemning Lokesh's comments, Trisha's fans poured in positive. Many fans of trisha thanked lokesh and gave replies. He also commented that actors like Mansoor should not be given industry opportunities. In fact, lokesh Kanagaraj's comments in the past that he is a fan of Mansoor's acting are now giving him a headache.