The first images have emerged of workers trapped inside the collapsed Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand. On monday, rescuers slid a six-inch-wide pipeline through the wreckage of the collapsed tunnel, enabling for the provision of increasing quantities of food as well as live video of the 41 workers who had been trapped within for eight days.

On the ninth day of rescue efforts at the Silkyara tunnel collapse site in this city, rescuers made a 'breakthrough' on monday by shoving a six-inch-wide conduit through the wreckage of the collapsed segment, where 41 labourers remain trapped. For the first time since they were trapped, hot Khichdi was delivered to the stranded workers via this 6-inch alternate lifeline.

On november 12, it was reported that a muck dropping in the tunnel's 60-metre section on the Silkyara side of the tunnel caused a collapse, trapping 41 workmen. According to the authorities, the workers are stuck in the 2 km-long tunnel part, which is complete, including concrete construction that ensures the workers' safety.

Electricity and water are accessible in the tunnel section, and workers are served with food and medications via a 4-inch compressor pipeline. Following today's achievement, National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) will resume horizontal drilling from Silkyara end for worker rescue using the Augur boring equipment in the near future.

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