The hyderabad police have stated that automobiles without legal documentation would be impounded in the city ahead of the telangana assembly elections. Commissioner of police Sandeep Shandilya informed hyderabad people in a video message that all efforts are being taken to guarantee free and fair elections. Voters must present either their Electors Photo Identification Card (EPIC) or any of the other 12 documents at polling stations.

Hyderabad police to seize vehicles without proper number plate

In addition to documentation such as the Registration Certificate (RC) and driving license, the hyderabad police commissioner stated that car owners must guarantee the appropriate display of number plates. vehicles will be impounded and returned only after the completion of voting in hyderabad if they lack valid documentation or number plates.

Appeal to residents, and political leaders ahead of polling day in Hyderabad

In an appeal to people and political leaders, he asked for their help in keeping hyderabad calm during voting. Addressing political leaders, he advised them to report any anomalies to the police rather than taking action on their own. He recommended folks to vote and then leave the area, as assembly is forbidden during polling.

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