Fans are excited and disappointed by naga Chaitanya's upcoming film, "Dhootha," a supernatural suspense-thriller directed by vikram K Kumar. The eight-episode series, which will be available on Prime Video, follows journalist Sagar (Naga Chaitanya), whose life is turned upside down as frightening newspaper clippings prophesy fatal occurrences. The show's cast includes Parvathy Thiruvothu, Prachi Desai, and priya Bhavani Shankar, and it promises an engaging narrative.

In a few hours, the episode will be available on Amazon's Prime Video OTT platform. So far, the reception to this series' advertising materials has been favorable. Fans of naga chaitanya, on the other hand, are dissatisfied with Dhootha. Last year, naga chaitanya and vikram kumar teamed on Thank You, which was a box office flop. He has now partnered with him once more on Dhootha, which appears to be far more engaging and thrilling than Thank You.

Chay fans are complaining that Dhootha, which seems well-made and has a fascinating plot, should have been released in theatres. Thank You, on the other hand, should have been released on some OTT platform, saving fans from embarrassment at the box office. They believe Dhootha's theme was designed for theatrical viewing, and Thank You was over-the-top. However, the opposite occurred.

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