Trisha Krishnan stole the show with a stunning sequined saree in an ivory-white hue. Jade has created a stunning saree. With its elaborate decorations, monica and Karishma's gown was a beautiful piece of art, bringing a sense of luxury to her look. Trisha's attire was a fantastic combination of classic and current designs, as she paired it with a deep-neck sleeveless top that glittered just as brightly. The richly decorated blouse offered a touch of glitz to her ensemble, making her stand out in the throng.
Trisha added a regal touch to her look by accessorizing with an emerald-stoned jewelry set. The jewelry complements the sequins well, producing a balanced and beautiful overall effect. Her beautiful wavy hair, wrapped into a ponytail, added a modern touch to the traditional saree. trisha wore immaculate makeup, with sleek brows, winged eyes, and pink lips, exuding confidence and establishing fashion goals for everyone. trisha krishnan looked stunning in a sequined saree by Jade By monica and Karishma.

Jade By Monica & Karishma is a well-known fashion label noted for its stunning designs and meticulous craftsmanship. monica Shah and Karishma Swali founded the business, which combines traditional and modern trends to create exquisite ethnic ensembles. Celebrities adore their elaborate designs, which feature exquisite accents and high-quality materials and are ideal for special events. Jade is an excellent choice for folks who want sophisticated yet trendy fashion.

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