Abhishek Bachchan and aishwarya Rai have recently been in the news, but not for their typical acting abilities or exquisite fashion sense. Instead, rumors of a possible divorce have been spreading on the internet. The notion gathered steam when aishwarya was spotted attending bollywood events alone, while abhishek was noticeably absent from occasions such as the Nita and mukesh Ambani-hosted NMACC gala and several diwali celebrations.

The pair, who were formerly popular in bollywood, haven't been pictured together in quite some time, raising concerns about the condition of their marriage. The rumors were reinforced further by Aishwarya's single birthday party with her kid.

To add to the speculation, notorious film critic Umair Sandhu recently tweeted about the apparent divorce, alleging that abhishek bachchan and aishwarya Rai had 'formally called it quits'.

This tweet became popular on twitter and drew severe condemnation from users.

Despite suffering legal penalties for false charges made against actresses kriti sanon and pooja hegde in the past, Umair Sandhu remained unfazed. Some social media users are now encouraging abhishek bachchan and aishwarya Rai to sue the critic for distributing what they consider to be false information.

Fans are impatiently awaiting an official announcement from the famous pair to clarify the status of their relationship and put an end to the lingering mystery.

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