Akka, a vengeance thriller series from yash Raj Films' streaming production arm YRF Entertainment, will star actors Keethy suresh and radhika Apte. Dharmaraj Shetty, a debutante, is directing the series. "Keerthy suresh and radhika apte are two of India's most talented female actors today." They are extraordinarily natural actors who have been lauded as a true tour de force on cinema, delivering stunning performances project after project.
"The fact that Keerthy and radhika have been pitted against each other makes Akka one of the most intriguing streaming projects being made in the country currently," said a person familiar with the matter. The actress faced an Oops moment in a Saree as she went to a Shopping mall inauguration. The actress was wearing a sleeveless blouse and low hip saree flaunting her curves and netizens are drooling over her hotness.

Keerthy suresh is a rising star in South indian film. She is also a fashion icon, with clothes ranging from casual and stylish to ultra-glamorous. She recently wore a stunning yellow saree, which had people drooling. Keerthy completed her ensemble with a color-coordinated pendant and earrings. She chose luminous makeup with contoured cheeks, pink lipstick, and kohl-rimmed eyes. Keerthy had her hair down, and the hue of the background went beautifully with her saree.

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