As per report uttarakhand Madrasa Board Chairman Mufti Shamoon Qasmi is in the news. He has once again strongly attacked Congress. Mufti Shamoon Qasmi alleged that during its tenure from 1947 to 2014, congress had killed about 25 lakh Muslims. congress is directly responsible for the murder of Muslims. He says that congress was directly involved in the riots from 1947 to 2014. After the riots, fear was spread among Muslims. congress used Muslims as vote bank.

Madrassa Board Chairman once again attacks Congress. congress always kept scaring Muslims from bjp and RSS. congress kept Muslims afraid of bjp and RSS. It is true that about 25 lakh Muslims were killed in the riots from 1947 to 2014. The responsibility of killing Muslims falls on Congress. The hem of congress is stained with the blood of Muslims. He asked how many riots took place after 2014 during the bjp government. He claimed that there has never been a riot under the bjp government and there will never be one. bjp talks about Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Prayas. Said to be directly responsible for the murder of 25 lakh Muslims in the riots bjp is the party that takes all sections together. congress has always worked to push Muslims back. Muslims were kept behind in education, employment and jobs.

Moreover congress has hatched a conspiracy and used Muslims as vote bank. Mufti Shamoon Qasmi said that those who instigated riots against Muslims have not been punished till date. congress has been considering Muslims as vote bank. Congress’s reaction to Mufti Shamoon Qasmi’s statement has not been revealed. It is believed that the statement is being obtained keeping the lok sabha elections in mind. A large section of Muslims are still angry with Congress. In such a situation, Mufti Shamoon’s allegations may cut off congress votes in 2024.

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