Reportedly in a major organisational reshuffle ahead of the 2024 lok sabha Polls, congress leader sachin pilot has been made in charge of Chhattisgarh, while priyanka gandhi has been replaced as in-charge of Uttar Pradesh. avinash Pande has been made in-charge of UP, while Randeep Singh Surjewala has been made in-charge of karnataka, a statement by the grand-old party said on Saturday. The appointments come two days after a meeting of the congress Working Committee, which was chaired by congress president mallikarjun Kharge and attended by party leaders including sonia gandhi and rahul Gandhi.
Meanwhile Pilot, former deputy chief minister of Rajasthan, replaces Kumari Selja, who has now been given the charge as general secretary in-charge of Uttarakhand. Senior congress leader Mukul Vasnik has been made in-charge of gujarat and Randeep Singh Surjewala has been appointed as karnataka in-charge. priyanka gandhi Vadra will now be a general secretary “without any assigned portfolio”, according to a statement issued by the Congress.
Congress leader GA Mir is the general secretary in-charge of jharkhand with the additional charge of West Bengal, it said. deepa Dasmunshi has been appointed the general secretary of kerala and lakshadweep with additional charge of Telangana. Senior leaders Jairam Ramesh, KC Venugopal, Mukul Wasnik and Randeep Singh Surjewala remain the general secretary in-charges of communication, organisation, gujarat and karnataka, respectively.