Reportedly booking for 'Arathi' tickets at ayodhya ram temple started from yesterday. As the opening ceremony of ayodhya ram temple is going to be held on january 22 in a grand manner, Ramjanma Bhoomi is actively making the necessary preparations. In this situation, the booking for 'Aarti' tickets at ayodhya ram temple has started from yesterday.. With the opening of the temple, aartis are performed to the ram idol three times a day (6:30 am, 12 noon, 7:30 pm) for which passes are generated for the devotees said Dhruvesh Mishra, Divisional Manager of BASS.

"At Rama Janmabhoomi, aarti is performed three times a day to the Lord Rama -- at 6.30 am, 12 noon and 7.30 pm. In the morning, Chiringar aarti is performed, followed by Poga aarti. sandhya aarti is performed in the afternoon and evening. The three aartis are reserved only for those who have reservations. can attend.. people are allowed to attend each aarti with pass. In future this number may be increased according to the number of devotees.” He said.

Regarding the reasons for the limited number of devotees being allowed for the 'Aarti' ritual, Misra said, "We have a limited number of passes due to the security and safety of the temple premises." He said. Talking about whether passes can be generated free of charge, he said, "There is one service for all devotees, old, young, poor, rich. The online facility of generating aarti passes has started a few days ago. One can apply for aarti pass on the official portal of Rama Janmabhoomi temple. A deadline has also been allotted for it. Devotees Generate their passes online, get it and then go straight for the 'aarti'," he said.

Talking about the documents required to get 'Aarti' pass, Dhruvesh Mishra said, "Only four documents will be allowed to generate Aarti pass. Aadhaar card, voter ID card, driving license and passport. Of these, the devotees should carry only one. After they get the Aarti passes, they can show it to the officer. " He said. The grand Kumbabhishekam of the ram temple is scheduled to take place on january 22 next year. According to reports, prime minister Narendra Modi will address the participants of the grand event from in front of the 'Singh Duar', the main entrance of the temple. According to reports, lakhs of devotees will throng the temple town for the Kumbabhishekam on january 22.

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