Rajinikanth and Fahadh Faasil are presently filming for TJ Gnanavel's 'Vettaiyan' in Tirunelveli. On social media, a video of the two stars from the filming location was released. Rajinikanth and Fahadh are seen in the video addressing a group of people, with several men in police gear standing behind them. 'Vettaiyan,' directed by TJ Gnanavel of 'Jai Bhim' fame, is a hard-hitting commercial entertainment.

Previously, a photo of Rajinikanth and Fahadh Faasil from the 'Vettaiyan' filming location surfaced online. For the previous few months, the team has been preoccupied with filming. Footage of Rajinikanth and Fahadh Faasil during the set of 'Vettaiyan' has surfaced on social media. Thalaivar may be seen in the video standing next to Fahadh Faasil and speaking to a group of individuals. While Rajinikanth is dressed formally, Fahadh is seen standing in vibrant attire with a sling bag.

Rajinikanth took a day off from filming to return to chennai to pay his respects to late actor-politician Vijayakanth. 'Vettaiyan' is an action film written and directed by TJ Gnanavel and produced by Lyca Productions. Rajinikanth, Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, amitabh bachchan, Manju Warrier, Ritika Singh, and Dushara Vijayan play pivotal parts in the film.

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