Humiliation Day: An Overview of the Past...
This is not a day to make people feel ashamed of themselves. Many perceive this as a chance for internet trolling or disparaging remarks about individuals. Humiliation Day, however, has nothing to do with making fun of other people. Indeed, it speaks of reverence, humility, and humility; in fact, according to many religions, today is the day when one feels closest to God. However, Humiliation Day is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of the negative effects of trolling and shaming others on people. Humiliation Day is observed annually to raise awareness of the value of modesty and kindness.
History: US President Abraham Lincoln said in a letter to the Senate in 1963 that a day would be set aside to teach people the value of humility and the need to pray in order to please God. The US President believed that people were straying from God's path and abandoning the importance of prayer and fasting. Thus, it was decided to observe Humiliation Day.
Significance: Humiliation Day serves as an excellent reminder to be grateful for the gifts in our lives and the privileges we receive, despite the fact that societies and presidents have changed much since then. Today is a great day to practice humility, kindness, and helping those in need. Observing the influence our activities can have on others is the ideal way to commemorate this unique day. For us to make someone smile, we have to perform at least one random act of kindness. We can improve the quality of life in the world by acting with kindness and humility.